
Interview with Vladimir Furman and Yuliya Petrenko for Magazine “Accountant and Law”: Mediation as a Modern Mean for Settlement of Conflicts

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When did the definition “mediation” appear for the first time?

Before January 2011, the term “mediation” was not in use in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  As of the date of this interview, the term “mediation” can be found only in two legislative acts.  These are the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Mediation” and the Law “On Introduction of Amendments and Changes into Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Mediation Issues”.

Interview with Vladimir Furman for Magazine “Accountant and Law”: Raiding: Definition, Essence and Legal Protection

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- Raiding. When did this phenomenon appear in Kazakhstan?

Such human evils as greed, money-grubbing and aspiration to enrich oneself at the expense of another person underlie the phenomenon of raiding. The term “raiding” has come to the modern vocabulary from the English language. “Raiding” is translated as “invasion”, “attack”, “intrusion”, “raid”. Within this meaning, raiding has gone along with the human history from primitive times, when the strongest would take away prey from the weakest, until today when an invader in tandem with administrative resources misappropriates a commercially attractive enterprise.

«September 2019»
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